• What to Look for in Sunglasses

    All sunglasses are designed to shield your eyes from bright sunlight. Many sunglasses go a step beyond and also promise protection from ultraviolet (UV) light rays and other types of natural radiation from the sun. Protecting your eyes from these damaging rays is essential for keeping your eyes healthy.

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  • Sunglasses: More than Just Fashion

    Sunglasses can make us look awkward or chic, but their real value lies in their ability to protect our eyes. Since damaged eyesight is difficult to correct, choosing the right sunglasses is key to maintaining good vision and eye health. Most optometry clinics have specially trained staff who can help

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  • Selecting the Right Glasses

    When they’re great, the correct pair of glasses perfectly complements your face and seamlessly facilitates your experience of the visual world. When they are not the right prescription or hastily chosen, glasses can be uncomfortable, cause headaches, detract from your appearance, and become a nuisance

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  • Frames for Your Lifestyle

    After learning that you need prescription lenses, finding glasses that best suit your looks may be paramount in your mind. Although finding the right frame shape for your face is essential, understanding the types of frames that best fit your lifestyle is equally important. With the largest eyewear manufacturer

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  • Preparing for Laser Eye Surgery

    Choosing laser eye surgery is a big decision. Whatever your treatment goal, proper preparation before surgery will help you obtain optimal results, speed up recovery, and minimize potential risks. If you've done your homework, then this advanced procedure can lead to a quick and healthy recovery. Here's

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  • Considering Laser Vision Correction

    Since the infancy of laser vision correction services in the 1980s, the field has made leaps and bounds in increasing the safety and efficacy of these procedures. Today, over 28 million LASIK surgery procedures have been performed worldwide, reports the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Furthermore,

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  • Why Is My Eyelid Twitching?

    Almost every person experiences some form of eyelid twitching in his or her lifetime. Known medically as blepharospasm, eyelid twitching is characterized by the involuntary movement or spasm of the eyelid muscles. Spasms typically occur every few seconds over the course of several minutes. Twitching

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  • Vision Therapy: Not Just For Children

    Vision therapy is a doctor-supervised program that helps people of all ages improve their visual-motor skills. Therapy helps your eyes and brain work together better, even if you have perfect vision. For years, people believed that some types of eye conditions, such as lazy eye or crossed eyes, could

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  • Tips to Alleviate Dry Eyes

    Studies show that dry eyes are one of the most common eye problems throughout the United States. Dry eyes are caused by a lack of quality tear production, and are most common in both men and women over the age of 50. Tear production can be limited by a variety of causes; one of the most common is a specific

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  • Stop Rubbing Your Eyes

    It feels like a natural thing to rub your eyes when they are itchy, watery, or otherwise irritated. Keeping your hands away from your eyes, however, is a smart choice for promoting better eye health. Rubbing your eyes can lead to everything from eye injuries to damaged vision. Rubbing your eyes offers

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  • Nutrition and Your Eyes

    As you’ve probably heard, carrots are good for your eyes. Technically, they can’t give you superhero-quality eyesight like you may have been told when you were young, but they do contain ingredients that are instrumental in protecting your vision and overall health. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene

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  • What the Eyes Tell Us About Overall Health

    Eyes are your window to the world. Everything you experience is enhanced by what you see. By the same token, eyes can be a window into your body. When it comes to your overall health, your eyes act like an open book shedding light on your condition. A thorough eye exam with your ophthalmologist or optometrist

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  • Vision Charities to Help You Give Back This Holiday Season

    Imagine trying to succeed at work at school if you could not see clearly. Unfortunately, that's the reality for far too many people in the world. Whether they cannot afford eye care, are blind or have a vision disability, poor eyesight makes life much more difficult. You can make a difference this holiday

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  • Teaching Kids About Pink Eye

    Conjunctivitis is by no means limited only to children. An infection or inflammation of the conjunctiva -- the membrane within the eyelid and protecting the white aspect of our eyes -- can occur in individuals of any age secondary to an infection, an allergic reaction or chemical irritation. Infectious

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  • How Vision Problems Affect Learning

    Reading is an instrumental part of your child’s ability to learn. In order to write complete sentences or do mathematical problems, a child must first be able to understand what is on the page in front of them. If your child is suffering from vision problems, it may be drastically interfering with

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  • Getting Kids to Wear Glasses

    In most of North America, optometrists are known as Doctors of Optometry (D.O.). As physicians, they are able to diagnose eye disease and prescribe medications or corrective lenses. Licensure as a DO requires a Bachelor's Degree and successful completion of a four-year school of optometrics. Educational

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